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How to Write a Medical Assistant Cover Letter?

A good cover letter does the job of highlighting your best and most relevant work experiences in the field. Writing the right cover letter takes practice, expertise, and hard work. It can be a daunting task, especially for beginners, as you might be at a loss as to where you must begin. Here’s a comprehensive article that will guide you through the process so that you can write the perfect medical assistant cover letters.

Medical Assistant Cover Letter Sample Templates

On theory, most of the medical assistant cover letter tips and tricks look great. Despite knowing the best methods to write a good cover letter, you can be at a loss when you’re writing one if you’ve no sample templates to fall back upon. ‘Seeing is believing’, the adage goes. No amount of life hacks, tips, tricks, and techniques can substitute for the real product. To write a good cover letter, you must go through the accepted cover letters of medical assistants who are successfully employed now.

Though we recommend you to write separate cover letters for every job application, responding particularly and uniquely to the requirements mentioned, it might help to have a look at some of the medical assistant resumes that have been accepted over the years to help you comprehend the subtleties of writing a good one. So, here are 4 medical assistant cover letter sample templates for you to look through and base your one on:

1. Entry Level Medical Assistant Cover Letter (No Experience)

Show Cover Letter

(Name of Recruitment Manager)

(Recruitment Manager’s Address and Contact Info.)

Dear (Recruitment Manager’s Name),
I’m (Your Name), and I’ve most recently graduated as a Certified Medical Assistant from (University/College Name). My knowledge of medical technologies and technicalities is fresh and waiting to be put in appropriate practice.

I think I can be a good fit for your job posting for an entry-level Medical Assistant as I’ve acquired an excellent understanding of clinical practices, not only in theory but also in practice. During my degree, I’ve been privileged to provide voluntary assistance to some medical teams (Names), and I’ve interned at a medical facility (Name) for a total of (Exact Hours) hours.

My academic performance has been brilliant, as my grades reflect. I’ve graduated at the top of my class, and I’m confident I can do justice to your job role. I’m a fast learner, and I understand this career path I’ve embarked upon has duties that would need me to put patients and their primary care above my personal needs, and I’m more than willing to do so.

I can function under acute pressure, and my externship recommendation letters would tell you I’m diligent and hardworking. Given my passion for providing medical healthcare, I’m looking forward to this opportunity. Your website mentioned your triumph at Best Health Awards, and your community outreach program has been doing some good work. It is a delight to see a company as big as yours would take part in such a noble initiative. Hence, it would be an honor on my end to become a part of such a stellar organization.

I would love to demonstrate my skills and answer any questions you might have over an interview at your convenience. I can be reached at (Phone Number and Email Address) during any time of the day.

Thank you for your kind consideration. I would await your reply.

(Your Name)

(Your Signature)

2. Experienced Medical Assistant Cover Letter

Hide Cover Letter

(Name of Hiring Manager)

(Contact Details & Address of Company)

Dear (Hiring Manager’s Name),
I’m (Your Name), and I came across your job posting for an experienced medical assistant on (Source) yesterday. I’ve been working as a medical assistant for the last 4 years, and I enjoy and appreciate catering to the primary needs of people in need of care.

Your hospital (Name) is one of the most reputed healthcare services providers in the United States at (Exact Location), and it would be an honor to be a part of such a stellar organization that believes in delivering affordable and efficient healthcare to its people.

From the experience that I have garnered over the last 4 years, I’ve learned that a good medical assistant needs to be flexible. Any moment can present itself where a medical assistant can be expected to turn up earlier than work hours, or stay beyond work hours, or use EMR software, or clean the floor. I’m aware of the duties that might be expected of me, and I appreciate being a part of task delegations that require me to perform several varied tasks daily.

Your website tells me that your organization (Name) was recently awarded the esteemed AHA Nova Award for excellent healthcare contribution in improving community welfare. I believe community outreach is one of the things that can make this world a better place, and seeing a company, as big as yours, taking such an initiative fills me with joy.

Before being associated with my present company (Name), I’ve worked as an MA at (Name of Previous Company), and I believe I can be an excellent fit for your organization.

It would be great if we could get in touch for an interview. I’m available at (Phone Number) and (email Address). I can drop by any time of the week for an interview.

I would look forward to hearing from you.

(Your Name and Signature)

3. Surgical Assistant Cover Letter

Hide Cover Letter

(Name of Hiring Manager)

(Address and Contact Information of the Company)

Dear (Name of Hiring Manager),
I, (Your Name), have been serving as a surgical assistant for the last 6 years. Having come across your job description recently, I believe I can be an excellent candidate for the role. A look at my resume would tell you that my technical skills match up to the requirements you’re looking for in a surgical assistant who is experienced but also ready to learn.

For 6 years, I’ve had the good fortune of working with reputed surgeons like (Names) and have been associated with renowned healthcare teams (Names), aiding them to take care of patients who need primary care. Years of working at the OR has taught me that it can be quite an intense environment, which is for no weak-hearted.

Even in such intense circumstances, a good surgical assistant must always have things under his or her control. Empathy, even temperament, and detail orientedness are skills one cannot do without if they are stationed in the OR. I’ve demonstrated these skills in the Operating Room in the course of my career times and again, and plan on doing so for the rest of my life.

I demonstrate fluency in equipment and specific systems of the surgical world, and my pre-surgical care, as well as post-surgical care, includes appropriate handling of equipment, proper labeling, delivery of lab specimens, and tracking surgical materials and their requirements.

Neither my resume nor my surgical assistant cover letter can adequately convey my willingness to be a part of your stellar organization. Your recent triumph at the Healthcare Awards has once again proved you to be one of the primary healthcare givers in the area.

I would appreciate the opportunity to be called for an interview at your convenience. You can call me at (Phone Number) or get in touch with me via email here: (Email Address). I would look forward eagerly to hear your response.


(Your Name)

(Your Signature)

4. Medical Assistant Cover Letter (For Externship)

Hide Cover Letter

(Hiring Manager’s Name)

(Contact & Address of Company)

Dear (Hiring Manager’s Name),
As an emerging allied medical health professional, I (Your Name), pursuing an Associate degree in Medical Assisting from (College/University Name), would like to apply for an internship with your firm. My enthusiasm for hard work, passion for healthcare, and background in medical assisting would allow me to match the healthcare standards you’ve set in your firm.

Being a fast learner, I’m looking forward to any experience, which would require my dedication. My capacities to support physicians, surgeons, and assist them, along with coordinating patient services, make me a good fit for this externship. My grades reflect my mastery over medical terminologies, technicalities, and technologies. My strong academic background awaits to be tested in a practicum, and it would be an honor for me to be a part of your excellent organization.

Your website tells me you’ve been the best healthcare provider in the region for consecutive years, and I promise my unwavering commitment to advance the overall well-being of your patients and the community. My skills and academic background could make me a good addition to your team.

I’d appreciate an opportunity to discuss this offer in person, over an interview, at your convenience. You can reach me via email at (email Address) or call at (Contact Number).

Thank you for your time. I’d look forward to your response.
Sincere Regards,

(Your Name)

(Your Signature)

10 Tips to Write a Winning Medical Assistant Cover Letter

Though taking a look at sample assistant cover letters is a good place to begin, they cannot explicitly tell you the technicalities that go into writing one. You’re left to decode and decipher the subtleties, all by yourself, often by reading between the lines and using your analyzing powers.

Especially if you’re writing a medical assistant cover letter for externship, you can be pretty clueless about where to begin as you’ve had no prior experience of writing one. Hence, it is best to fall back upon the useful old 10 tips to write a winning medical assistant cover letter. These tips cover the most essential, effective, and efficient hacks on how to master the art of writing an attractive cover letter, even if you’re not born a good writer or the author of the next New York bestseller.

Writing a cover letter is for everyone, and the 10 tips are here to remind you that:

  1. Start Well, Skip the Generic Addressing

    It is imperative to make an excellent first impression, not only in life but also in paperwork and applications like cover letters. That is why we recommend you start confidently by addressing your recruitment manager by name.

    ‘To whom it may concern’ is too formal, and has outdone its time. Besides being outdated, it is too impersonal. What can be better than addressing the person directly? Well, that was a trick question, but also a rhetorical one! ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ is a bad idea as well, as not only are you are making the huge mistake of assuming their gender in 2020, but also you’re giving the wrong impression about yourself to the employer.

    Most often than not, job applications come with the contact information and name of the recruitment or hiring manager. You can get the name from there, or if it is not directly mentioned, search the website and look through the employees, and you’re bound to find it. To ensure you’re addressing the right person, we recommend you call the office and check. It would reflect the research you’ve done, the effort you’ve put in, and is sure not to miss the eyes of your recruitment manager.

  2. Put Your Best Foot Forward

    A cover letter is all about mentioning why you’re a great fit for the job role, and putting all your relevant work experience and skills, and yet succinctly so. Chart out your relevant work experiences, and begin with the one that is most suited to the job description of the employer. Mentioning why you’re a great fit often involves specifying how the job aligns with your career goals, and would only help you envision a fruitful and advanced career.

    You can also demonstrate why taking up this job is a prospect for your career. Depict the reasons for which your skills would go on to help the company. Mentioning how you fit the role requires confidence, elegance, and a certain sense of poise, and we recommend that you do not overdo it. Overselling yourself is as bad as underselling yourself. Just be prudent, chart out your experiences, and respond to their requirements step-by-step.

  3. Try to Make a Connection with the Organization you’re Applying to

    There exists no organization in the history of this planet that would not appreciate a kind word about themselves, their ways of operation, or a potential employee who makes an effort to learn about them. By taking an interest in their history, or modes of action, you’re showing them your willingness to be a part of the bigger family they represent.

    All employees respect the fundamental virtues of loyalty and fraternity, and with your employer, it would not be any different. Reference their work ethics and professionalism, and other details you deem necessary, throughout your cover letter, as that would help you create a bond with your employer. If you make an effort to mention them, you will stand out from the rest of the applicants, and that would give you quite an edge over other applications. If they have received any recent awards or recognitions, mention those.

    A look at their website would provide you with a good idea of the work they do, and the recognition they have received, besides the milestones achieved by them. Mentioning these details in a cover letter ensures you come off as a serious applicant, and is always an added bonus! Utilize it well to create a bond and solidify it with the recruitment manager.

  4. Highlight your Passion for the Job

    It is not the same as highlighting your best, most relevant, or award-worthy experiences. However, emphasizing that you’re passionate about the healthcare sector, and providing the necessary services is as crucial as mentioning relevant work experience.

    One of the main priorities in the healthcare domain is providing primary care, and employers look for human qualities and virtues in individuals, often. All jobs are looking for individuals who are passionate about their work. Be it from accounting and engineering to coding, teaching, and providing healthcare. Hiring managers often look for candidates that might fit the bill.

    More often than not, the management would opt for individuals who are not only qualified for the job role but also are compassionate and passionate about what they do. Mention how you love being in a position that allows you to aid people, and get better, in your cover letter.

  5. Use Action Verbs

    Being a good writer is very important, as it lets you articulate your opinions and expressions better. Some of us have honed this skill, and are good writers, while there are the rest of us, who have not really given this skill much thought. But, no matter which category we fall into, it is never too late to be a good writer.

    You need to demonstrate some useful skills, like using action verbs, in a medical assistant cover letter to get a better edge, and helps you articulate more clearly and make a connection with the recruitment manager. Using action verbs makes your cover letter appear, sound, and read more engaging to the employer on the other side. It shows off a sense of immediacy, urgency, and a level of proficiency.

    It makes you look professional to your employer as well and shows you off as a person who has a distinct sense of self, with confidence and poise to conduct yourself. A few examples of action verbs would include the likes of advocate, encourage, guide, provide, collaborate, consult, resolve, and support. Using these and similar ones would allow your application to make an unforgettable print on the mind of your employer.

  6. Keep it Brief

    As contrary to you might believe, keeping things brief give you a better chance to impress your employers rather than going on and on about what makes you the best for the role. Make your points, and depict them well, but know when to stop. Consider they have a lot of applications to go through, and there’s only a considerable amount of time they can devote to each cover letter, so keep yours short.

    Don’t annoy the recruit manager, or make it a boring read. But that does not mean you leave out important details about yourself like your technical aptitude for the job, set of experiences, or passion for being associated with the company. Cover all you’ve to but try to use shorter sentences and medium-length paragraphs that make a point, rather than resorting to lengthy paragraphs and endless free-flowing lines.

  7. Focus on the Needs of the Employer

    This cannot be stressed enough. When you’re writing a cover letter for the role of a medical assistant, you must focus on the needs of the employer. Writing one generic cover letter might be suitable for starters, but it is not a great plan if you ask the experts! Sometimes, you end up sending the wrong cover letter. It can have the wrong company name or company details. That’s a mistake you would rather avoid if you like the job.

    A generic cover letter might reduce your workload in the short-term but might result in you losing out on several good opportunities, as you’re not focusing on the specific needs each application has. Writing one suited and tailored to your employer’s needs, as if answering a questionnaire, shows your interest in the company and the job role they are offering. Make a good impression, form a solid bond with the company, and show them that you’re a great addition to their organization.

  8. Don’t Make it too Impersonal

    One mistake that most medical assistants or potential ones do while writing a cover letter is that they end up making it too formal and impersonal. If you’re expected to skip the generic salutation as it comes off as quite detached, you’re supposed to tell your story because not telling it might make you appear detached too.

    Making a personal connection, by sharing who you’re as a person, where you come from, your struggles, triumphs in your life, can ensure that the hiring manager would take a liking to you. Organizations are often focused on hiring people who are competent individuals besides being qualified ones. Hence, include personal details about yourself, let the person reading your cover letter see you as a person with dreams, aims, and goals, rather than one composed and constitute by his cover letter, resume and work experience merely.

    If you’ve got an insight that can provide benefits to the company, we recommend that you provide it, but do not impose on it. All in all, inject a bit of who you’re into the cover letter so that the hiring manager can know about you as a real person, more than mere corporate tell-tale.

  9. Don’t State your Weaknesses

    We find it essential to clarify, especially after the last point, that you should not share your weaknesses or failures in the profession. While that reflects you’re an honest person, that sort of a story at first might throw off employers and work negatively for you. Skip the weaknesses, and don’t make them explicit to your employer in a bid to making your medical assistant cover letter too personal.

    If you lack a required formal training degree or a basic skill that you need to demonstrate, it is best if you don’t mention it in your cover letter. But, if you have recent gaps in your work history, it is best to mention the reason and follow through. Tell your employers if you took a gap for family engagement, or if you had a medical problem. Mention the reasons very briefly, highlight the skills and experience you have in the entirety of your application.

  10. Endings Matter

    We ask you to begin with a strong opening sentence because it determines whether the hiring manager would be interested in going through your cover letter. A good ending is as important as a strong opening sentence to a medical assistant cover letter.

    What qualifies for a good ending? Well, we recommend you end with a general salutation like ‘Regards,’ followed by your signature. It is suggested that you rather not opt for anything fancy here. Ask the hiring manager to get in touch with you for an interview. The ending is to steal the deal, and it is best if you show confidence and do not act shy.

    Put in your contact information, and leave the rest to your employer. What you can do to add a final touch to your ending is ending with a fantastic post-script (P.S). Though optional, everyone reads a P.S because it’s short and invokes attention. If you have received a message you want to share, or you want to appreciate someone on their recent achievements, this is the place where you give them a shoutout! Use this space well to form a personal bonding.


Writing cover letters, whether it is a senior medical assistant cover letter or a medical assistant cover letter with no experience, is not an exciting or delightful task. But that does not discount how important the process is. Hence, it would be best if you put in time and effort to present yourself as it speaks for you in your absence. Your cover letter must reflect that you’re a good writer and a detail-oriented individual who has clarity of thought and purpose.

The cover letter is the cornerstone to the next recruitment step, preferably an interview, so put your best foot forward. Also, it is best to revise and re-check your cover letter thoroughly before sending it out. It is the little things that usually make the most significant difference, hence cross-check names, details, and requirements of the company, before pressing that ‘send’ button.

Follow the tips mentioned above, use the sample cover letters as templates to follow back upon, and you can be sure to write a good cover letter that stands out and does the speaking on your behalf. All the best for your dream job!

Read here:

Medical Assistant Thank You Letter Samples

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Written by : Casey Gardner

Casey Gardner is both a healthcare support professional and an accomplished content creator.  She has been working as a certified health care professional with marketable skills as a physician assistant,  and a qualified medical assistant for last two decades. She has dedicated her nursing career to produce over hundreds of content pieces since 2001, and her work has been published both online as well as offline.


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